Hi Seadogs!
Today’s Results:
Scottish Seadogs: 215,658
Danske Rumblere
German Pirates
Twisted Pirates
Today’s Rumble Awards:
For scores 25K and above, the Blue Anchor goes to: Seaclearer 27,686!
For scores 10K and above, we have Trophies for: 850Arrr 17,549, Cap’N Black
15,997, Dog Breath
12,866, Smudger
11,948, Govan53
For scores 5K and above, medals are awarded to: Jeff Puetz , ElFrenetico
, Aragorn
, 10Atious
, Pirate Gaz
, Stoney Tooth
, Argh the Pirate
, Laaah
, stv1919
, Fuzz
, Lotso
, Rich
Thanks again to our friends from DoA who visited recently, and congratulations to Tim for shedding his monkey powder and becoming crew! 🙂
We have the Boggs sailing event coming up, and will be getting some help from our Seadogs R&R crew and our friends over at Pegleg. Be sure to say hi as you see them join over the next day or two.
Get those long sails going, and ready to claim after the Boggs start. Great rumble Seadogs, and see you soon.