Hi Seadogs! Today’s scores:
Banging Skulls: 549,415
Scottish Seadogs: 522,888
Deutschland: 186,383
España Piratas: 120,648
РУССКИЕ: 23,836
The Golden Anchor (50K+): Seaclearer 78,494! 850Arrr
The Blue Anchor (25K+): Smudger 46,328! Dog Breath
42,258! stv1919
30,649! Cr@zy eYe
29,685! ElFrenetico
Trophies (10K+): 10Atious 20,376, GB
17,590, Jeff Puetz
16,322, Oak Island
16,078, Ashu
13,335, SD
11,663, Ellzee
11,412, Birnie
10,964, Lotso
Medals (5K+): DevonBoy21 , Laaah
, Undertaker01
, Aragorn
, (Sparky 60)
, Stoney Tooth
, Govan53
, Fuzz
See you next rumble!